公司创始人王霓娜在澳洲获得会计师学位后又继续学习深造获得CPA 的会员资格,先后在CA 和 CPA 会计师事务所工作过,累积了丰富的会计和税务的工作经验。成立了自己的会计师事务所之后,多方面的业务能力又是一个突飞猛进的发展。同时在个人能力提高上也有很大的变化。用王霓娜自己的话说就是她虽然现在很忙很累但是却比原来更快乐,更开朗,更宽容,更能体量他人的困难和苦楚。能设身处地为客人着想。
王霓娜 有多年在澳洲税务的工作经验,在过去10年的会计师事务所工作中她运用自己丰富的税务知识和工作经验帮助客人处理与税局之间的协调和协商工作。尽心尽力的帮助客人处理和税局及有关管理机构的辩论和争论的事宜。
我们都知道ASIC的罚款真的是很难被豁免的,可是王霓娜她不会因为很难就放弃一次替客人争取的机会,她了解了客人被罚的来龙去脉后上交了一份书面申请,ASIC 被她的真实又感人的申请感动了,罚款被豁免了。
Powering Your Business
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante.
Giving you the edge
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante.
Strict Confidentiality
When you engage MinimiseTax to manage your accounting and taxation affairs, we are in your corner. Our advice will always be to the highest professional and ethical standards. You can be confident that we will never disclose any of your private information without your express permission.
Rest secure – we will guard your information as our own. And we guarantee that we will strive to minimise your tax – because you should never pay more than you must.
Expert Consulting Services
- Tax Return Preparation
- Financial Statements
- Tax Effective Structuring
- Payrol Tax, Land Tax, Stamp Duty
- Expert Taxation Audit Advice
- Tax Minisation – Core Expertise
- Preparation of Business Activity Statements
- Installment Activity Statements
- ATO Tax Rulings – complex taxation matters
- Consulting Services, Business Plans
As expert consultants, we are well positioned to represent your personal or business affairs to the ATO. We also provide confidential, expert advice on complex tax matters and can arrange sophisticated tax structuring to ensure you minimise your tax.